5 Podcasts to Help Guide You Through The Final Solar Eclipse of The Year

The last solar eclipse of the year is on December 4 and it marks the final eclipse in the Gemini-Sagittarius axis—bringing about significant change to the areas of community, communication, expansion and philosophy.

Solar eclipses occur during new moons, and this one is inviting us to take action and get intentional about taking big, bold steps in our lives. What are some areas you started working on in 2021 that you haven’t made decisions on yet? What are some things you’d like to change? What have you learned?

To help you tackle these themes, we’ve brought you our latest podcast playlist packed with expert interviews, stories and insights in both English and Spanish. Grab your headphones, and get ready to take the leap the universe has been nudging you towards.

1. 99% con Mia Astral by María Pineda

Astrologer Mia Astral, also known as María Pineda, is the queen of eclipse energy. If you aren’t already subscribed to her Telegram channel for daily astrological tips, you need to asap! This Spanish-language podcast offers listeners short and direct messages that are filled with practical advice. Pineda will have you looking inward with all her sage advice, while simultaneously encouraging you to be kind with yourself.

2. Mindful en Español by Alfonso Cuzzovaglia

Have you been looking for an interactive space that will have you asking the deeper questions about your personal mindfulness? Host Alfonso Cuzzovaglia discusses some of the most interesting articles from Medium in his Spanish-language podcast. He also offers listeners the space to send questions, comments or suggestions on topics related to introspection.

3. The Find Your Inner Awesome Podcast by Kelsey Abbott

Host Kelsey Abbott is an Intuitive Human Design Reader and Certified Professional Coach celebrating vulnerability, uniqueness and bravery through conversations with inspirational guests. You’ll find anyone ranging from doctors to reiki practitioners on this English-language podcast. Abbott welcomes «adventurers, world-changers, heart-driven warriors, explorers and rule-breakers» to come and listen.

4. De chillona a chingona by Anabel Quintanilla

Anabel Quintanilla is not here to play as she wants to help you evolve and level up in life. This Spanish-language podcast discusses the finer points of evolving into your baddest self and changing your inner dialogue so you can lead a better life.

5. Perfectamente imperfecta by Pily Cordoba

Pily Cordoba is just a chica trying to live her best life (like the rest of us). In this Spanish-language podcast, listeners will hear all the relatable ways she fights for her dreams every day. In every episode, she shares her personal stories, insight and growth anecdotes while also answering questions we ask ourselves.

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